Friday 27 July 2018

Converting Frostgrave - Part 2 - Thaumaturge, Apprentice and Some Soldiers

I have finished painting my latest four Frostgrave Models.  I really wanted to make a Plastic Wizard and Apprentice from the Sprues available so I went for a Thaumaturge and their apprentice as I really like their school of spells.

I made a Cultist Soldier who could be a treasure hunter or a thief and a Soldier Carrying a Two Handed Weapon for whatever you please.

Frostgrave Conversions How to Convert Frostgrave
How I did these conversions.  All using available Frostgrave Sprues

Forstgrave Converted Wizard
Cultists, Thaumaturge, Soldier, Thaumaturge Apprentice

Frostgrave Sprue Conversion

Frostgrave Thaumaturge
Converted Thaumaturge and Apprentice.  I went for Healing friendly Colours

Frostgrave Cultist
Converted Cultist and Soldier
Frostgrave Treasure
Some bonus 3D Printed Treasure

I am eagerly awaiting the Frostgrave Female Soldiers which should be coming out later this year and will also like to get my hand on some Oathmark Sprues for more conversions!


  1. Although I am not into this game, I must say lovely painting Dave.
    cheers JOHn

  2. Great post and gorgeous models mate - they are even better in real life. The hammer conversion is my favourite. Thanks for letting us play with them yesterday!

    1. My Pleasure Paul, I am rather fond of that "Warhammer" :)
