Saturday, 20 January 2018

Frostgrave, well and truly overdue!

I first bought Frostgrave when it first came out.  I have read it cover to cover and have been dead keen on getting a game in however like most of my projects they sadly took a while to get some love and attention.

Probably about a year ago or so I painted up a test figure, one of the cultists.  I assembled more of the cultists, primed them then they sat in a draw.  The Analogue Hobbies Painting challenge gave me just the motivation to put some paint on the figures!

Frostgrave Cultists
28mm Frostgrave Cultists - The purple headed warrior on the left was my test figure way back when

The test figure was painted with bright colours and using Secret Weapon washes.  The other two cultists, middle and right were blocked in, Army Painter Strong Tone Quickshade, left for three days then highlighted and detailed.  The bases are a mix of Wilder Snow, Citadel Valhallan Blizzard and Woodland Scenics Soft Snow Flake.

Frostgrave Cultists 28mm
I really like the facial details on these chaps

Frostgrave miniatures
The latest two I painted

Stay tuned for more Frosted Goodness!


  1. Love the bold colours and the shadow effects you've done in the folds Dave - great stuff!
